Online Access

Once you’ve decided to move forward with us, we want to make sure you’re in the loop every step of the way. We’ll provide you with login credentials to our online portal where you can login to keep track of the schedule, view progress photos, and submit new requests. You’ll also be able to stay on top of expenses and when your payments are due. Have any questions or concerns during the project? Easily contact us through the portal and we’ll get back to you right away.

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Our Client Portal offers a full 360 degree of what’s going on at your project. Get live updates on the day-to-day progress. Upload pictures, files and documents. Communicate directly with subs and team members on design and materials selections. Full mission control at your fingertips!

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Stay in-the-loop on whats coming up next throughout the project and keep track of timelines.

Live Schedules

Budget Tracking.

Keep track of the budget and finances with the Financial portal. View, create, and approve Change Order requests. See what invoices have been paid and what is coming up. Compare whats been paid versus what is still owed. The financial portal provides transparency for both owner and contractor to keep the project moving forward and flowing smoothly.

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